Me, at age 6, in Miami, Florida – I wish I was still as cute as that! :)
My father just had some old slides from the late 60’s and early 70’s transferred on to a CD-Rom, so that we would have digital copies of all these wonderful souvenirs from years ago.
That’s a picture of me when I was 6 years old, having a blast in Miami, Florida while on one of our many vacations there…. that’s where I learned to speak English :) Ahhhh… the good ol’ days.
When I saw that picture, amongst others, it brought back a flood of happy memories, and I wanted to share it here on my blog.
So, I figured I should also share a few more things about me, when I read about a little questionnaire going around on Facebook. It’s kind of fun, so I’m posting my answers here:
Three names I go by:
1. Honey
2. Nat
3. Nath
Three Jobs I have had in my life:
1. Worked for Dairy Queen (yes, I can make the swirly ice cream cones, and dip ‘em in chocolate or caramel without dropping the ice cream)
2. Health & Dental Claims Adjudicator
3. Executive Assistant
Three places I have lived:
1. Orsainville (now Charlesbourg), QC
2. St-James, Barbados
3. Calgary, AB
Three Favorite Drinks:
1. Water
2. Milk
3. Diet Coke
Three TV shows I watch:
1. Torchwood
2. Stargate Atlantis
3. Fringe
Three places I have been:
1. Curacao, Netherland Antilles
2. London, England
3. Los Angeles, CA
People that text me regularly:
1. I don’t use text.
I’m most likely the only one in the world who doesn’t LOL
Three of my favorite foods:
1. Poutine (Ashton’s in Quebec!)
2. Pizza
3. Anything home made :)
Feel free to take these questions and answer them on your blog too!
(Now I'm in the mood for Poutine... argh...... and yes, I've asked Ashton's if they would consider opening up a franchise here in Calgary, but they said that they couldn't. Maybe one day. Here's hoping!)