Life has been rather crazy at my house lately. With all our health woes, etc, I’m just beat, and with Mother’s Day coming up, my mom’s birthday, as well as Father’s Day – I just don’t have the energy or the time to shop in the malls, and I MUCH prefer to shop online on Artfire to find some really unique gifts ideas for my loved ones!
Here’s a few examples of the really beautiful handmade gifts you can find on Artfire these days:
Twilight’s Edward scented Shea Butter Souffle Cream from my friend Michelle at CozyMoments on Artfire:
Nothing says “I love you mom!” better than really adorable miniature handmade critters and monsters, like this cutie pie named Strawberry Scoop made by my friend Susmitha of Art by Susmitha in India, also on Artfire:
Or how about a gorgeous brooch (aka fibula) to hold your mother’s shawl closed on a cool Spring evening – like this Red Rock Copper beauty here made by my friend Donna of Creative Treasures by Donna on Artfire:
And this one here would make such a special unique and thoughtful gift, for a friend, a sister, a mother, a daughter – She Can Do Incredible Things Handmade Key Chain Charm, made with love by my friend Cindy in Longview WA of Cindy’s Art and Soul, on Artfire – Cindy can make key chain charms for men too for great Father’s Day gifts:
And lastly, why not stop by my Canadian Rockies Art Artfire Studio or my brand new NG Originals Artfire Studio for some unique gifts for men and women alike! Custom orders are welcome, brides, bridesmaids, wedding parties, come over for a visit and I’ll be happy to handle your special jewelry needs for your wedding!
Shopping online on Artfire for all the gifts and special occasions that you have is really a great time saver and it helps to support Artisans who work from their heart to create those special items just for you.