There is this ad on TV in Canada about a woman doing all sorts of activities (walk around, carrying one of those Netbooks from Rogers), she sits on a park bench and opens that netbook and starts typing about the fact that she’s sitting in the park, and you see her in various outdoors shots/places, and she’s busy typing on her Netbook keyboard about being in all those places… and the voice-over narration (her voice supposedly) tells the viewers that she has to connect to the web to tell everybody what she is doing, everywhere. That she can’t go through her day without it.
That ad is for this product here from Rogers, and actually, you see that woman from the TV ad sitting on the park bench on that page (give it a second to load, it’s an interactive page, you see her hands typing away on the Netbook keyboard).
What is wrong with that picture, people?
Are people today SO tied up to their computers and the web that, hey, they gotta take them everywhere and instead of enjoying their surroundings, interacting with people, they have their nose to their keyboard and are telling the ‘web’ folks what they are doing… which, really, is typing on a keyboard outside and not enjoying a real life disconnected from the web at all.
Instead of enjoying the beautiful park, admiring the trees, listening to the birds chirping, looking at the sun in the sky, looking at the water and the boats passing by, looking at other human beings all around her… She’s got her nose glued to her Netbook screen, and fingers to keyboard, typing away.
I think that it is becoming an illness of this century.
Why do our fingers have to keep on touching some kind of keyboard or keypad all the time?
I really don’t care for what this ad from Rogers is telling people to do…
It is NOT healthy to be connected to the web or to some kind of communication device 24/7… Heck, it’s not healthy to be connected for half that time, even.
This is starting to look more and more like The Matrix… that movie, in my humble opinion, isn’t far off from the future we’re walking towards.
I really can’t stand that TV ad. It’s sending out a dangerous message. Big time.